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NovoSource Instructions For Use – Instruments

NovoSource instruments and instrument cases are generally composed of aluminum, stainless steel, and/or polymeric materials. The cases may be multi-layered with various inserts to hold surgical instrumentation in place during handling and storage. The inserts may consist of trays, holders, and silicone mats. The instrument cases are perforated to allow steam to penetrate these various materials and components. The instrument cases will allow sterilization of the contents to occur in a steam autoclave utilizing a sterilization and drying cycle that has been validated by the user for the equipment and procedures employed at the user facility.

Instrument cases do not provide a sterile barrier and must be used in conjunction with a sterilization wrap or rigid container system to maintain sterility.

NovoSource designs and manufactures surgical implants and instruments and does not practice medicine. Each surgeon is responsible for determining which implant system and surgical technique they feel best meets the individual needs of each patient.

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